Men Have Imposter Syndrome Too

Esther Stanhope. Mario Falcone.png

OMG – my recent session with TOWIE /Big Brother star Mario Falcone was a real inspiration.
(TOWIE = The Only Way is Essex!)

He has been really open about his crisis of confidence since becoming a new dad – see his very honest post here!

I wasn’t expecting this Instagram message to get so many hits (more than 16,028 and rising) and 100s of comments thanking him for admitting his lack of self-confidence.

He shared his fear of failure with me when it comes to his acting career even though he’s a popular ‘celeb’ with a fan base of millions. (He has more than 1.2 million Instagram followers which is phenomenal in the social media world) 

He’s not alone.  I have worked with many CEOs and senior leaders at the top of their game from FTSE 100 Firms who also suffer from imposter syndrome.  

From the outside they look 100% confident, but inside they are scared of being found out, feel like they are not good enough and often keep this secret to themselves. 

You see men do feel like this too, not just women.

This secret fear can damage your career and create loneliness if you don’t do something about it.  In my experience, men are less likely to ask for help than women.

I helped Mario understand his strengths and encouraged him to stop the constant worry and pressures of being perfect or judged.  I also gave him the advice my mentor and coach, Kim Duke gives me….

“Be the tortoise, not the hare, slow and steady, one foot in front of the other every day”

If you’d like a one- to one- session like Mario to help you get your confidence levels back on track – get in touch.  Our first chat is always complimentary

Esther Stanhope