To Script or Not to Script – Zoom Tips from Obama & Clooney

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To Script or not to script – that is the question.

The other week, the big conundrum in my WFH Masterclass series for the AC – The Association for Coaching was..

“Should I use a script for my Zoom Presentations?”

Ooh, the audience was totally divided.  Out for 110 people, 46% responded YES on the poll and 54% put NO WAY for a script.

The answer is this…there is no yes or no, black or white answer.  It’s more like 50 shades of unscripted grey.

Here are my top tips on scripting for virtual presentations learnt from all my years of writing cues, ditching scripts, holding up idiot boards and producing live talk shows at the BBC.  

The tips are rather like LIVE in-the-room-presentations and pitches, however the camera lens gives it another TV-twist!

I had some great suggestions and comments from the coaches who attended the masterclass too.

Top 5 tips for presenting on camera with or without a script…

1 – Find YOUR weird WAY. There’s no  “one size fits all”.  Find your personal style and experiment with a script, without a script and film yourself on your smart phone, tablet or set up your own Zoom meeting (for free), record and watch yourself back.  Arrhhh , excruciating but a steep learning curve.  (That’s what I’ve done for the past 6 years and I’m still learning & failing sometimes).  Trial and error, there’s no right or wrong.

2 – Go with the Flow Freestyle. If you don’t like a script,  make sure you have a running order – or framework and you know what the shape (& destination) of your presentation is.  Maybe you have slides to prompt you, but no plan at all is dangerous (I’ve tried that one too).

I personally don’t use a ‘script’ I am terrible at reading one!  However,  I do know what’s coming next and I have tricks and tips on how to start and end on a high! (That’s another blog for another time)

My attendees John and Jo both suggested that you have a script of sorts but allow room to improvise around it. A detailed outline that allows you to go with the flow of the moment is their preference.

3 – Do an Obama. If you do need a script try the Obama View and Spew method – Here’s my Blog about it

4 – Try Clooney’s Unscripted Script. If you feel compelled to learn a script , make sure the script is written like a ‘transcript’ i.e. words you can get your mouth around.  George Clooney is the master of the unscripted script.  However, he is an award-winning Hollywood actooooor darling, and you are probably not!

The trouble with learning a ‘script’ word for word is that you could be in danger of being a bad actor.  But please do give it a go. 

Here’s my George Clooney blog about scripts…

You can copy George Clooney’s Un-Scripted Script!

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5 – Big font in BOLD placed behind your camera lens on the wall. This helps you look as if you’re engaging with the audience rather than reading.

If you’d like me to host a virtual masterclass to help your organisation with how to ‘DO’ ZOOM-style meetings well, get in touch  Stop the unmuted messing around, bad lighting, unmade beds, wooden delivery and nostril shots. I’d love to help.